Environmental assessments
Our highly experienced Ecologists can undertake ecological assessments of your site under National, State and Local legislation. With a variety of different legislation at all levels of government, it is important that every potential constraint is considered during your assessment
Our team is highly experienced in targeted fauna surveys for threatened species especially Acid Frogs. Although we have the necessary approvals and permits to undertake fauna trapping programs, our preference is to use less invasive options such as motion detection cameras, spotlighting, call back surveys and tracks, scats and traces to assess potential utilisation of a site by fauna.
Services include:
- Flora and Fauna Assessments
- Frog surveys
- Threatened Species Management Plans
- Species Management Programs
- Commonwealth EPBC Act Referrals
- Riparian Studies
- Vegetation Management Plans
- Bushfire Hazard Assessment and Management Plans
- Weed Survey and Management
- Regional Ecosystem and Offsets Identification
- Revegetation/Rehabilitation Plans.
- Sustainable Planning Act 2009 Development Applications
- Environmental Management Plans
- Environmental Permits and approvals
- Environmental Management Systems (AS/NZS ISO 14001)
- Community Consultation
- Environmental Impact Assessments
- Surface and groundwater quality monitoring

Contact Duke Environmental for more information