Project Description
The scope of this project required liaison with the Engineering Consultancy to assess opportunities and constraints associated with the proposed development. Duke Environmental were commissioned to undertake the environmental reporting for the project. Although the land was vacant, it is located in close proximity to a RAMSAR site, is subject to numerous local and state overlay maps indicating areas of ecological significance, protected marine vegetation and wildlife habitat.
Project description
As part of the assessment Duke Environmental conducted a Noise Assessment with consideration of future uses on the neighbouring residential areas, a flora and fauna assessment with particular emphasis on protected species, a riparian study to delineate onsite waterways and protected marine vegetation and a bushfire hazard assessment.
The site is also topographically low and an Acid Sulfate Soil Assessment was undertaken to test for the presence of actual and potential acid sulfate soils. A management plan was also prepared to guide the earthworks process on how to effectively manage potential disturbance to acid sulfate soil and impacts to groundwater.
Historical use of one section of the site for the purpose of a pistol club resulted in the lot being listed on the Environmental Management Register. A contaminated land investigation was conducted with the aim of establishing the extent and levels of the contamination and proposed future management of this area.
Project services
- Noise assessment
- Flora and fauna assessment
- Riparian study
- Bushfire hazard assessment
- Acid sulfate soil assessment
- Management plan
- Contaminated land investigation